Cat got your....yarn?

Love the random, proper grammar optional


Things that make me happy

Every now and again, I get down. Usually, this blip on the depression-o-meter is stress-induced. It is highly possible that my case of the blues can be completely contributed to the 6 14-hour days I've had already, with no end in site for this quarter...

To combat this feelin' and create a false sense of euphoria, I am making a list. We all know how I like lists! :-) And this time, all though it probably will be random, the random will not be on purpose. My list will be of things that make me smile. I wish I had a picture to show you right now, but I have a book... It is called my happy book. Now that I think of it, I have a whole shelf of happy books, my knitting books... but I digress. My happy book has quotes from fun times, little stories that I would love to remember, and sometimes I will just read through it and laugh and laugh. Sometimes, it is because I still think it is funny. Sometimes, it is because I can't believe that I once thought that was funny...

Anyway, things that make me go :-)

1. Knitting
2. Family time

3. E-mails with actual letters, to me specifically, in them...
4. Mail, in general
5. Puppy breath

6. Taking pictures, especially candid shots!
7. Liberace
8. K.J.
10. RT
11. Spending time helping others
12. Inside jokes
13. Outside jokes :-P
14. Animals, especially ones that don't spell like embalming fluid
15. Talking to my momma on the phone :o)
16. Baby clothes
17. Reading about knitting
18. Getting new books
19. Finding Nemo
20. "Remember that time..." stories
21. Snuggling
22. Giant M&M's.

I know there are more things, but this has really helped. I suppose this isn't very entertaining for The Masses, hahahahahahaha, but I figure you can go find someone else to keep you amused for today. At least there are pictures, right?!


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