Cat got your....yarn?

Love the random, proper grammar optional


Addictive personality

Well, it appears as though I am a liar. I said in my last post that I would post a progress picture of Alec's hat when I got home. Well, I kinda, um, forgot. So instead, you get a picture of the completed hat, and a mitten. The other has been started, but just barely.

On to the title of the post... I have been aware of my addictive personality for a long time. In some aspects of life, it sucks but it is manageable. Other times, it means I "just-one-more-row" myself to death. This is where the finished hat and finished mitten came from. It helps a lot when I'm working on school projects or work projects because it just gets done. I always have to do

Well, I bring this up because someone turned me onto weff riddles. (Seriously, click at your own risk). Last night was fine. Each riddle took me 10 minutes at most. I was flying through them. Life was great. Then I hit level 14. I got it, after a while, I thought... But what is the next step. I don't know. It's possible because there are plenty of people that are much further than I am but I just keep stumbling. AHHH!

I might need to start a WRA... weff riddles anonymous.

Lastly, we have a cute "baroo?" moment from KJ:


At 4:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Weffriddles are evil. Well, they are evil when I am trying to get my holiday knitting done. Keep track of all your answers, it helps with the later riddles.

At 6:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 8:30 AM, Blogger kelle said...

Hi Kristen,

Can you track them? My husband stopped by the old house yesterday and they said we didn't have any packages. If I know when the package will arrive - I can stop by the house on that day.

Thanks! Can't wait to see them.

At 6:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's such a sweet picture! My cat loves sleeping inbetween my legs when they're like that. LOL.


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