Cat got your....yarn?

Love the random, proper grammar optional


Random Thursday

1. Tomorrow is when I get my new kitty I adopted from the vet hospital. Any suggestions for names? Several ideas have been thrown around, cheeseburger, whopper, trevor, kurt, jason, but I'm not sure what I like the best.

2. I have been hit by the green thumb this year. My project is trying to get at least one tomato out of these three plants. What do you think the odds are? hehe.

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3. Next week is vacation! Atlanta here I come! My family is gathering for the graduation of my brother from boot camp. I am so proud of him, seriously. Talking about it makes me grin from ear to ear.

4. Is it wrong of me not to send my mother a card for the looming holiday? I don't "believe in" sending cards for anything but thank you's really. It is not the first year that I am not sending one, but I still feel sort of bad. I am, however, bringing my mother's gift for when I see her on Wednesday (hopefully it will be done by then).

5. A couple of weeks ago, I went to Goodwill and bought 4 knit sweaters. They are all now in pieces and I am going to use the yarn to make other things. One was white so it is being used to practice my dyeing skillz.

6. Egg decorating kits work well to dye small amounts of yarn!!!

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7. I work as a receptionist at a church and right now they have the most gorgeous decorations on the altar. (Sorry to put up a religious picture, but beautiful is beautiful).

8. I like lists.


At 8:31 AM, Blogger Theresa said...

Ooh, cute kitty. How about Gracie? Wait, it's a boy, isn't it? Never mind! And don't apologize for your beautiful pics - it's YOUR blog!

At 9:19 PM, Blogger Chris said...

What did you name your kitty?!


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