Cat got your....yarn?

Love the random, proper grammar optional


Lists, lists, give me more lists

Random things for today:

1. April 22, 2006 Please sponsor me by clicking below ( and then the link that says "Sponsor me" on the right). I have a pretty high (for me goal), but anything helps! Thanks!

2. We got our apartment. We won't be moving until September 1st, but I can't wait!

3. I am working on Easter socks for my mother. I think she is going to LOVE them!

4. Spring has hit and it becomes harder on a daily basis to walk from the vet hospital to the church without straying. Having two "jobs" is blowing right now. But I don't want to quit either.

5. In two weeks I will be taking in another kitty. I haven't decided on a name yet, but Liberace will be getting a brother. If all goes according to plan, they can entertain each other instead of playing with/ruining all my things, oh goodness.

6. I like lists.


At 12:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I realize it might be too late, but I just left a pledge for you on that page. I hope the walk went off without a hitch and am only sorry I didn't know to donate before today!


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