Cat got your....yarn?

Love the random, proper grammar optional



Do let him fool you, he isn't sleeping...

We named our new kitty. There were so many options that it was overwhelming. Kevin seemed like a good choice until someone asked "Did you name it after Kevin (our friend)?" One friend suggested Paco, "because it sounds like Taco." That was when I vetoed any names related to food. Just what I need while trying to diet, is a constant reminder, hehe. That meant that Whopper and Cheeseburger (thank heaven's) were no longer options. Gerard and Trevor and Bruiser were all options, but none of them seemed to fit.

Then, someone suggested Lebron. My husband, Lebron is an amazing basketball player. That's a silly name for a cat though (and Kevin isn't?- hehe) so the obvious next direction would be LBJ. I thought that might lead people to think we had named our kitty after a president. I AM a dork, but not that big of a dork. So, we went with K.J. Yes, it stands for King James, yet another nickname for that amazing man. I figured this way, when he grows up we can call him James. That sounds grown up and mature, right?

The silly things that I worry about...

Muah ha, the paw of death. Also, aren't those tats in my ears kinda silly?

Anyway, I was hoping to have more pictures of K.J., but I will have to edit them in later because I definitely forgot to bring the camera today. Last time I forgot to bring the cable. Just call me absent minded! ETA: pictures added. I remembered both necessary parts. But I forgot to bring extra batteries. Luckily, after several tries, I was able to keep the camera on long enough to copy several pictures to the desktop.


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